Saturday, April 5, 2008

Kotak Ceria, Kita Bergembira; Part II

The 2nd part of this topic is pretty not much about seeing who is the best skater or second best. However, wheel_love organizing a mini competition like this, could actually get all our skaters friends back together, and I believe that shall be the major reason of why the competition was held. It is like a reunion celebration party, meeting seniors and all. For those who are already knew each other are feeling great meeting back old friends. Nevertheless, it is also another good encouragement for new skaters to keep skating aggressively. Creating an opportunity for everyone to be part of this collaboration things.
"Kotak Ceria, Kita Bergembira", the theme explains it all.

Sukeats and Naz are really old buddy!

Supporting from friends.

Hong, a very cheerful skater.
He deserves a big THANK from everybody!

wheel_love got RED BULL as sponsorship too!

Syam wanted to see skate with Bala so badly, expecting for very more than a season, but Bala didn't always turn up during weekends or even weekdays due to his job falls in Australian timezone.
So, it was a big day for Syam as soon as he get to skate with Bala that day!

Why are they looking up at the sky?
Well, the sky was nice on that special day.

Yes, I'm serious.
It was also our big boy, Sukeats' birthday!!!!!
Oh yeah, Haha!!! Make a wish and blow lots of candles, Keatsy!

And here is your birthday present, boy!
As true as your wish, 2GB iPod Shuffle!!!!
Hope you like it!!!!

End of the day, everybody went home cheerfully.
Kotak Ceria, Kita pun Gembira!

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