Thursday, March 5, 2009

Giă Giá Kuà Kuă; Behind The Scene

Here is my very first time editing a video clip ever,
Hope all of you will enjoy the clip,
And hope to get more comments,
Because I'm just a beginner!

Sorry about the picture quality,
I'll try my best to refine it in my next video.

Let's go Giă Giá Kuà Kuă,
But it's Behind The Scene.


jeepeng said...

LOL untill the MAX!


Ah Eva Eva said...

lol!!!!!!!!!! apasai jeep looks so farney :D hahahaha

DICK CHUA said...

Yeah! Congrats! Next time you in charge of the video!

tennsen said...

oh yea~ nice leh~
jeepeng failed to play tat game?

Hooi said...

Jeep, that's YOU... haha, but what the heck is LODIE?? 笑就笑啦!!!

LOL.. eva and tennsen, you both know what game we played that day? haha~!!

Dick, thanks. But I need to learn more, that 1-minute clip took me whole day. But I feel awesome~!!


ling @ lengmuizai said...

not bad ler....
add oil lar^^

Xiao Wei said...

woahahahahah~~~!!! luckily i record it tat day~~~ so funny~~~

Hooi said...

thanks ling... i will add a lot of oil and petrol and gasoline and grease and more more more... hehe.. LOL~!!!

xiaowei... thanks a lot for recording, hehehe...

Jhunnie said...

Ask dick and kahgiap sao pei

Hooi said...

I dun dare to do that wor.. bcos GIA GIA KUA KUA real full video havent out yet... sekali out, my sao pei, sao pou, sao sai...

yayawoo said...

oi, since u know how to edit jor...
go edit those video from JB la~
cant wait to c it la

Hooi said...

but those files are not with me...

dominic said...

nice nice
got more bro?

ten1o said...

did i hear video from JB?? how come i never saw it before...

fast fast edit... =)

Hooi said...

dom, that's all i have, the rest will be out soon, they are working on it.
be patient, haha~!!

Hooi said...

ten1o, JB video all with kahgiap, haha~!!